Breakdown of Retail Trade Industry in Europe
Explore 5,087,058 companies operating in the Retail Trade industry that are available in the HitHorizons database. See top sectors and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
Retail Trade 5,087,058 (11.3%)
Services 15,757,613 (34.9%)
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries
According to our database, the highest number of companies operates in United Kingdom (918,411), followed by Spain (761,922), and France (585,952).
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries 5,087,058 registered companies
Country, Number of Companies | Number of Companies | Percentage | ||
United Kingdom 918,411 18.1% | 918,411 | 18.1% | ||
Spain 761,922 15.0% | 761,922 | 15.0% | ||
France 585,952 11.5% | 585,952 | 11.5% | ||
Italy 529,766 10.4% | 529,766 | 10.4% | ||
Russian Federation 282,690 5.6% | 282,690 | 5.6% | ||
Romania 259,073 5.1% | 259,073 | 5.1% | ||
Poland 176,308 3.5% | 176,308 | 3.5% | ||
Bulgaria 171,528 3.4% | 171,528 | 3.4% | ||
Germany 171,311 3.4% | 171,311 | 3.4% | ||
Belgium 117,887 2.3% | 117,887 | 2.3% |
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Retail Trade generated € 6,211,357,226,816 in sales. This represents 7.31% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database. TESCO PLC had the highest annual sales (€ 77.68B), followed by LIDL U.K. GMBH (€ 66.7B), and TESCO STORES LIMITED (€ 56.08B).
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 5,087,058 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Percentage | ||
1. | TESCO PLC € 77.68B 1.25% | € 77.68B | 1.25% | |
2. | LIDL U.K. GMBH € 66.7B 1.07% | € 66.7B | 1.07% | |
3. | TESCO STORES LIMITED € 56.08B 0.9% | € 56.08B | 0.9% | |
4. | AMAZON EU S.A RL € 53.34B 0.86% | € 53.34B | 0.86% | |
5. | P.M.I. TRADING DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY € 42.02B 0.68% | € 42.02B | 0.68% | |
6. | J SAINSBURY PLC € 37.2B 0.6% | € 37.2B | 0.6% | |
7. | MERCADONA SA € 31.62B 0.51% | € 31.62B | 0.51% | |
8. | SAINSBURY'S SUPERMARKETS LTD € 31.53B 0.51% | € 31.53B | 0.51% | |
9. | ASDA STORES LIMITED € 28.89B 0.47% | € 28.89B | 0.47% | |
10. | JAGUAR LAND ROVER AUTOMOTIVE PLC € 26.94B 0.43% | € 26.94B | 0.43% |
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Retail Trade employ 36,308,422 people. This represents 9.37% of all employees of companies available in the HitHorizons database. TESCO PLC has the highest number of employees (336,926), followed by TESCO STORES LIMITED (241,340), and TANDER, AO (233,642).
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees 5,087,058 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Employees | Percentage | ||
1. | TESCO PLC 336,926 0.93% | 336,926 | 0.93% | |
2. | TESCO STORES LIMITED 241,340 0.66% | 241,340 | 0.66% | |
3. | TANDER, AO 233,642 0.64% | 233,642 | 0.64% | |
4. | LIDL U.K. GMBH 223,327 0.62% | 223,327 | 0.62% | |
5. | AGROTORG, OOO 160,679 0.44% | 160,679 | 0.44% | |
6. | SAINSBURY'S SUPERMARKETS LTD 148,100 0.41% | 148,100 | 0.41% | |
7. | ASDA STORES LIMITED 141,293 0.39% | 141,293 | 0.39% | |
8. | WM MORRISON SUPERMARKETS LIMITED 113,661 0.31% | 113,661 | 0.31% | |
9. | MERCADONA SA 105,286 0.29% | 105,286 | 0.29% | |
10. | EDEKA ZENTRALE Stiftung & Co. KG 81,086 0.22% | 81,086 | 0.22% |
Retail Trade Industry in Europe: SIC Codes
Top 3 SIC Codes among companies registered in Europe and operating in Retail Trade are Eating place (24.72%), Ret mail-order house (9.25%) and Drinking place (8.28%) .