Breakdown of Public Sector Industry in Europe

Explore 340,891 companies operating in the Public Sector industry that are available in the HitHorizons database. See top sectors and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.

Current Industry:
Public Sector 340,891 (0.8%)
Largest Industry:
Services 15,757,613 (34.9%)
Total Number of Companies registered in Europe 45,197,626

According to our database, there are 340,891 companies operating in the Public Sector industry in Europe. This represents 0.75% of all companies available in the HitHorizons database. These companies have a share of 1.4% of all sales generated by businesses registered in Europe and employ 4.93% of all employees.

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries

According to our database, the highest number of companies operates in Russian Federation (77,233), followed by France (48,228), and Ukraine (37,077).

This TOP 10 list was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries 340,891 registered companies

  Country, Number of Companies Number of Companies
Russian Federation 77,233 22.7% 77,233
France 48,228 14.1% 48,228
Ukraine 37,077 10.9% 37,077
Germany 27,300 8.0% 27,300
Poland 27,235 8.0% 27,235
United Kingdom 17,890 5.2% 17,890
Spain 16,621 4.9% 16,621
Czech Republic 15,645 4.6% 15,645
Italy 14,196 4.2% 14,196
Hungary 9,577 2.8% 9,577

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales

According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Public Sector generated € 1,192,561,122,352 in sales. This represents 1.4% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database. NARODOWY FUNDUSZ ZDROWIA had the highest annual sales (€ 30.2B), followed by Ministerstvo financií Slovenskej republiky (€ 19.64B), and Transport for London (€ 6.855B).

This TOP 10 list of companies operating in the Public Sector industry was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 340,891 registered companies

  Company Name, Sales & Share Sales
1. NARODOWY FUNDUSZ ZDROWIA € 30.2B 2.53% € 30.2B
2. Ministerstvo financií Slovenskej republiky € 19.64B 1.65% € 19.64B
3. Transport for London € 6.855B 0.57% € 6.855B
4. ZPIZ € 6.714B 0.56% € 6.714B
5. Skatteverket € 6.18B 0.52% € 6.18B
6. Home Office € 4.155B 0.35% € 4.155B
7. MIASTO STOLECZNE WARSZAWA € 4.124B 0.35% € 4.124B
8. Ministerie van Financiën € 4.063B 0.34% € 4.063B
9. Department for Science, Innovation and Technology € 3.851B 0.32% € 3.851B
10. Vseobecná zdravotná poistovna, a.s. € 3.742B 0.31% € 3.742B

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees

According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Public Sector employ 19,089,668 people. This represents 4.93% of all employees of companies available in the HitHorizons database. MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO has the highest number of employees (150,106), followed by Bundesagentur fur Arbeit (115,600), and ARMA DEI CARABINIERI (103,893).

This TOP 10 list of companies with the highest number of employees was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

Public Sector Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees 340,891 registered companies

  Company Name, Employees & Share Employees
1. MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO 150,106 0.79% 150,106
2. Bundesagentur fur Arbeit 115,600 0.61% 115,600
3. ARMA DEI CARABINIERI 103,893 0.54% 103,893
4. STATO MAGGIORE DELL'ESERCITO 102,995 0.54% 102,995
5. MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA 100,000 0.52% 100,000
6. Department For Work and Pensions 84,598 0.44% 84,598
9. Stadt Wien 65,000 0.34% 65,000
10. THE DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT 64,574 0.34% 64,574

Public Sector Industry in Europe: SIC Codes

Top 3 SIC Codes among companies registered in Europe and operating in Public Sector are General government (59.06%), Fire protection (12.44%) and Court (5.36%) .

This breakdown was generated automarically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and find companies leading within individual SIC Codes, SIC Code distribution among individual countries, or SIC Code breakdowns within other industries using HitHorizons Screener.

Public Sector Industry in Europe: SIC Codes 340,891 registered companies

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