Breakdown of Services Industry in Europe
Explore 15,757,613 companies operating in the Services industry that are available in the HitHorizons database. See top sectors and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
Services 15,757,613 (34.9%)
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries
According to our database, the highest number of companies operates in United Kingdom (2,679,709), followed by France (2,105,236), and Germany (1,536,643).
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries 15,757,613 registered companies
Country, Number of Companies | Number of Companies | Percentage | ||
United Kingdom 2,679,709 17.0% | 2,679,709 | 17.0% | ||
France 2,105,236 13.4% | 2,105,236 | 13.4% | ||
Germany 1,536,643 9.8% | 1,536,643 | 9.8% | ||
Spain 1,076,443 6.8% | 1,076,443 | 6.8% | ||
Russian Federation 954,139 6.1% | 954,139 | 6.1% | ||
Netherlands 805,231 5.1% | 805,231 | 5.1% | ||
Italy 678,760 4.3% | 678,760 | 4.3% | ||
Poland 616,160 3.9% | 616,160 | 3.9% | ||
Ukraine 551,312 3.5% | 551,312 | 3.5% | ||
Sweden 482,869 3.1% | 482,869 | 3.1% |
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Services generated € 14,336,212,558,619 in sales. This represents 16.87% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database. MITSUBISHI CORPORATION had the highest annual sales (€ 131.7B), followed by L&T TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LIMITED (€ 97.11B), and Aramco Overseas Company B.V. (€ 91.41B).
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 15,757,613 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Percentage | ||
1. | MITSUBISHI CORPORATION € 131.7B 0.92% | € 131.7B | 0.92% | |
2. | L&T TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LIMITED € 97.11B 0.68% | € 97.11B | 0.68% | |
3. | Aramco Overseas Company B.V. € 91.41B 0.64% | € 91.41B | 0.64% | |
4. | Ahold Delhaize Global Tech B.V. € 86.98B 0.61% | € 86.98B | 0.61% | |
5. | Deutsche Post AG € 81.76B 0.57% | € 81.76B | 0.57% | |
6. | GOOGLE IRELAND LIMITED € 72.63B 0.51% | € 72.63B | 0.51% | |
7. | ACCENTURE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY € 64.11B 0.45% | € 64.11B | 0.45% | |
8. | INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG € 63.79B 0.44% | € 63.79B | 0.44% | |
9. | MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LIMITED € 60.44B 0.42% | € 60.44B | 0.42% | |
10. | JOHNSON & JOHNSON MANAGEMENT LIMITED € 50.33B 0.35% | € 50.33B | 0.35% |
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Services employ 127,060,025 people. This represents 32.79% of all employees of companies available in the HitHorizons database. ACCENTURE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY has the highest number of employees (734,516), followed by Deutsche Post AG (591,412), and SANTA SEDE (500,000).
Services Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees 15,757,613 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Employees | Percentage | ||
1. | ACCENTURE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY 734,516 0.58% | 734,516 | 0.58% | |
2. | Deutsche Post AG 591,412 0.47% | 591,412 | 0.47% | |
3. | SANTA SEDE 500,000 0.39% | 500,000 | 0.39% | |
4. | INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG 305,091 0.24% | 305,091 | 0.24% | |
5. | TECH MAHINDRA LIMITED 126,825 0.1% | 126,825 | 0.1% | |
6. | WPP PLC 114,129 0.09% | 114,129 | 0.09% | |
7. | CHINA MERCHANTS BANK CO., LTD 112,999 0.09% | 112,999 | 0.09% | |
8. | MEDTRONIC PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY 110,367 0.09% | 110,367 | 0.09% | |
9. | Coop-Gruppe Genossenschaft 94,790 0.07% | 94,790 | 0.07% | |
10. | Siemens Energy AG 94,000 0.07% | 94,000 | 0.07% |
Services Industry in Europe: SIC Codes
Top 3 SIC Codes among companies registered in Europe and operating in Services are Membership organization (11.21%), Business services (8.25%) and Management consulting services (6.76%) .