Breakdown of Mining Industry in Europe
Explore 64,874 companies operating in the Mining industry that are available in the HitHorizons database. See top sectors and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
Mining 64,874 (0.1%)
Services 15,757,613 (34.9%)
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries
According to our database, the highest number of companies operates in Russian Federation (16,455), followed by United Kingdom (10,382), and Spain (7,586).
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Countries 64,874 registered companies
Country, Number of Companies | Number of Companies | Percentage | ||
Russian Federation 16,455 25.4% | 16,455 | 25.4% | ||
United Kingdom 10,382 16.0% | 10,382 | 16.0% | ||
Spain 7,586 11.7% | 7,586 | 11.7% | ||
Ukraine 4,949 7.6% | 4,949 | 7.6% | ||
Italy 2,944 4.5% | 2,944 | 4.5% | ||
Romania 2,673 4.1% | 2,673 | 4.1% | ||
Poland 2,264 3.5% | 2,264 | 3.5% | ||
Germany 2,241 3.5% | 2,241 | 3.5% | ||
Norway 2,169 3.3% | 2,169 | 3.3% | ||
France 1,511 2.3% | 1,511 | 2.3% |
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Mining generated € 1,149,078,094,230 in sales. This represents 1.35% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database. Equinor ASA had the highest annual sales (€ 94.85B), followed by NK ROSNEFT, PAO (€ 75.73B), and RIO TINTO PLC (€ 51.33B).
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 64,874 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Percentage | ||
1. | Equinor ASA € 94.85B 8.25% | € 94.85B | 8.25% | |
2. | NK ROSNEFT, PAO € 75.73B 6.59% | € 75.73B | 6.59% | |
3. | RIO TINTO PLC € 51.33B 4.47% | € 51.33B | 4.47% | |
4. | GasTerra B.V. € 35.5B 3.09% | € 35.5B | 3.09% | |
5. | ANGLO AMERICAN PLC € 32.45B 2.82% | € 32.45B | 2.82% | |
6. | SHELL GLOBAL LNG LIMITED € 26.19B 2.28% | € 26.19B | 2.28% | |
7. | SAREN B.V. € 19.62B 1.71% | € 19.62B | 1.71% | |
8. | SURGUTNEFTEGAZ, PAO € 18.83B 1.64% | € 18.83B | 1.64% | |
9. | ESSO UK LIMITED € 16.99B 1.48% | € 16.99B | 1.48% | |
10. | VEDANTA RESOURCES LIMITED € 16.89B 1.47% | € 16.89B | 1.47% |
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in Europe and operating in Mining employ 2,786,987 people. This represents 0.72% of all employees of companies available in the HitHorizons database. SURGUTNEFTEGAZ, PAO has the highest number of employees (100,324), followed by ANGLO AMERICAN PLC (62,000), and RIO TINTO PLC (53,726).
Mining Industry in Europe: TOP 10 Companies with the Highest Number of Employees 64,874 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Employees | Percentage | ||
1. | SURGUTNEFTEGAZ, PAO 100,324 3.6% | 100,324 | 3.6% | |
2. | ANGLO AMERICAN PLC 62,000 2.22% | 62,000 | 2.22% | |
3. | RIO TINTO PLC 53,726 1.93% | 53,726 | 1.93% | |
4. | POLSKA GRUPA GÓRNICZA S A 39,000 1.4% | 39,000 | 1.4% | |
5. | TECHNIPFMC PLC 38,026 1.36% | 38,026 | 1.36% | |
6. | BHP GROUP (UK) LTD 31,589 1.13% | 31,589 | 1.13% | |
7. | OMV Aktiengesellschaft 23,544 0.84% | 23,544 | 0.84% | |
8. | PJSC TATNEFT N.A. V.D. SHASHIN 23,149 0.83% | 23,149 | 0.83% | |
9. | JASTRZEBSKA SPÓLKA WEGLOWA S A 21,353 0.77% | 21,353 | 0.77% | |
10. | Equinor ASA 20,875 0.75% | 20,875 | 0.75% |
Mining Industry in Europe: SIC Codes
Top 3 SIC Codes among companies registered in Europe and operating in Mining are Construction sand/gravel (25.94%), Crushed/broken stone (16.41%) and Oil/gas field services (13.74%) .