Statistics of companies in UK
Companies population in North East
Number of companies in region North East is 194,338, which is 1.8% of all 11,024,893 companies in UK. North East is ranked 11th among 12 regions in the number of companies. Last update of company data was on 31/01/2025.
Companies location and business activity breakdown in North East
The region with the highest number of companies - 111,075 is Tyne and Wear. Northumberland has the lowest number of companies - 24,048. The top three most frequently registered business activities are Science - 13.5%, Wholesale, retail - 12.7% and Construction - 12.0%.
Number of companies by county 194,338 companies with data in North East
Business activity overview 186,691 companies with data in North East
Industrial classification of companies in North East
The Standard Industrial Classification code (SIC code) is a system of classifying industries in UK by business activities. Each company can operate under multiple SIC codes. The top three business activities for the whole of the UK are Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate - 5.0%, Other business support service - 4.0% and Management consultancy exl. financial - 3.9%.
Distribution of companies by SIC CODE 186,691 companies with data in North East
Companies population incorporation and dissolution trend in North East
The highest number of incorporated companies in any one month is 1,732 in in April 2024. There are usually fewer dissolved companies than incorporated, the highest number recorded being for October 2020 - 1,773 companies were dissolved.
Incorporation and dissolution of companies by month North East
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Persons with significant control
in companies in North East
Persons with Significant Control (PSC) have been registered in Companies House since April 2016. PSC have various functions, e.g. ownership of shares or voting rights. In this section we analyse companies with at least one Person with Significant Control from a foreign country.
Top countries with local PSCs in companies in North East
The most popular country, as regards to PSC origin, is United States. In January 2025, there were 115 companies with at least one PCS from United States. Other popular countries are Pakistan, China and Channel Islands.
Top 10 countries with local PSCs North East
Percentage of companies with foreign PSCs being incorporated each month in the North East
The highest proportion of companies with a foreign PSC to be incorporated in one month was in July 2023 - 2.11%. Since 2017 the number of dissolutions has exceeded the number of new incorporations. The highest proportion to be dissolved in one month was 12.50% was in June 2020. The low number of dissolutions in 2016 is the result of only a small number of companies registering their PSC in Company House in that year.