- Name Tempo-Team HealthAtWork B.V.
- Secondary Name Tempo-Team Health@Work
- Address Diemermere 25, Diemen, 1112 TC, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS
- National ID 56698143 KvK
- HitHorizons ID H-NL0019400993
- Type Corporation
- Est. of Ownership 2012
Top 5 companies according to Sales in Public Sector in Netherlands
Company name, sales & share | Sales | Market share | |
1. | Ministerie van Financiën € 4.063B 22.9% | € 4.063B | 22.9% |
2. | Tempo-Team HealthAtWork B.V. | ||
2. | Randstad HealthAtWork B.V. € 3.561B 20.07% | € 3.561B | 20.07% |
3. | Rijkswaterstaat € 1.063B 5.99% | € 1.063B | 5.99% |
4. | De Rechtspraak € 926M 5.22% | € 926M | 5.22% |
Sales Size Ranking
Tempo-Team HealthAtWork B.V.'s SALES are in 10th decile among all companies operating in Public Sector in Netherlands