PODRAVKA d.d. - Company Overview

  • Name PODRAVKA d.d.
  • Secondary Name PODRAVKA Inc.
  • Address Ante Starcevica 32, Koprivnica, 48000, Koprivnicko-krizevacka zupanij, CROATIA
  • National ID 18928523252 OIB
  • HitHorizons ID H-HR0002756897
  • Type Corporation
  • Est. of Ownership 1947
  • Industry Manufacturing
  • SIC Code Mfg canned fruits/vegetables (2033)
  • Sales
  • Number of Employees

Top 5 companies according to Sales in Manufacturing in Croatia

  Company name, sales & share Sales
1. INA, d.d. € 4.565B 13.27% € 4.565B
2. PLIVA HRVATSKA d.o.o. € 555.5M 1.62% € 555.5M
3. VINDIJA d.d. Varazdin € 448.4M 1.3% € 448.4M
4. M SAN GRUPA d.o.o. € 324.7M 0.94% € 324.7M
5. PODRAVKA d.d.

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Sales Size Ranking

MIN € 0
MAX € 5B

PODRAVKA d.d.'s SALES are in 10th decile among all companies operating in Manufacturing in Croatia

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Industry Classification


PODRAVKA d.d. is operating in Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Representation of companies operating in Europe and Croatia
4,279,088 5.44% of companies in Europe
27,871 8% of companies in Croatia
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SIC Code

PODRAVKA d.d. is operating in 2033 - Mfg canned fruits/vegetables
Mfg canned fruits/vegetables (2033) - Representation of companies operating in Europe
27,486 0.03% of companies in Europe
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Local Activity

PODRAVKA d.d. is registered with Local Activity C 10.39 - Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables Local Activity type: NKD - National Classification of Activities
Local Activity C 10.39 - Representation of companies operating in Croatia
221 0.06% of companies in Croatia

Registration Data

Establishment of Ownership

PODRAVKA d.d. was established in 1947 77 years ago

13,373 companies established in 1947 in the whole EU

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Company Type

PODRAVKA d.d. is registered as Corporation
Corporation - Representation of companies operating in EU and CROATIA
31,914,090 40.59% of companies in Europe
166,605 47.84% of companies in Croatia
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