Code lists for HitHorizons API

List of Countries in HitHorizons API

List of regions:

balkBalkan States
baltBaltic States
benBenelux & France
eastEU Eastern Partnership (Selected countries)
rusRussian Federation
nordNordic Countries
offOffshore Countries
seqSouthern Europe
ukirUK & Ireland
visVisegrad Group

List of countries and their assignment to regions:


Accuracy Indicators (for Sales and Employees)

Accuracy Indicator ValueAccuracy Meaning
1low end of a range
2estimated, or not available when the value is zero
blanknot available when the value equals 0 or is unknown

Activity Code Types (field localActivityCodeType) 

Activity Type CodeActivity Code Description
010 NAF (Nomenclature d'activites francaise)
015 NAF2 (Nomenclature d'activites francaise ver 2)
025 Belgium NACE Code 2008
040 Netherland KVK Activity Code
060 1972 SIC Code
095 Norwegian NACE Code
097 Norwegian NACE Code Revision 2
170 Finnish NACE Revision 2 Code
180 Luxembourg NACE 2008
210 US D&B SIC 2 Plus 2
300 European NACE Code
320 Sweden NACE Code
340 UK SIC 2007
350 NACE Revision 1
360 NACE Revision 2
370 Swedish Authority NACE Revision 2
380 Netherlands SBI 2008
390 Danish Authority NACE Revision 2
451 NOGA 2008 - General Classification of Economic Activities
452 ATECO - Italian Classification of Economic Activity
453 CAE - Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities, Revision 3
459 PKD - Polish Classification of Activities
460 CZ-NACE - Czech Statistical Classification of Economic Activities
461 SK-NACE - Slovak Statistical Classification of Economic Activities
463 SKD - Standard Classification of Activities
464 NKD - National Classification of Activities
465 SKD - Standard Classification of Activities
466 Serbian NACE Code
467 Montenegro NACE Code
473 OKVED - Russian Classification of Economic Activities

Currency Codes (field localCurrency)

WorldBase Currency CodeCurrency TypeWorldBase Country NameISO AlphaISO NumericNotes
0010 Canadian DollarCanadaCAD124
0020 U.S. DollarUnited StatesUSD840
0030 Argentine PesoArgentinaARS032
0040 Aruban FlorinArubaAWG533
0050 Australian DollarAustraliaAUD036
0060 Austrian SchillingAustriaATS040Old currency - Now Euro
0070 Barbados DollarBarbadosBBD052
0075 St Helena PoundSt HelenaSHP654
0080 Belgian FrancBelgiumBEF056Old currency - Now Euro
0085 RandNamibiaZAR710
0090 Bermudian DollarBermudaBMD060
0095 DenarNorth MacedoniaMKD807
0100 Brazilian Cruzeiro (old)BrazilBREN/A
0105Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible MarkBosnia-HerzegovinaBAM977
0110 Chinese Yuan RenminbiChinaCNY156
0120 Danish KroneDenmarkDKK208
0130 Dutch GuilderNetherlandsNLG528Old currency - Now Euro
0140 Eastern Caribbean Dollar"Used in the following countries: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia"XCD951
0150 Egyptian PoundEgyptEGP818
0155Eritrean NakfaEritreaERN232
0160 Pound SterlingUnited KingdomGBP826
0170 Finnish MarkkaFinlandFIM246Old currency - Now Euro
0180 French FrancFranceFRF250Old currency - Now Euro
0190 CFP Franc"Used in the following countries: French Polynesia, New Caledonia"XPF953
0200 German MarkGermanyDEM276Old currency - Now Euro
0210 Greek DrachmaGreeceGRD300Old currency - Now Euro
0220 Hong Kong DollarHong KongHKD344
0230 Indian RupeeIndiaINR356
0240 Irish PuntIrelandIEP372Old currency - Now Euro
0250 Israeli Sheqel - NewIsraelILS376
0260 Italian LiraItalyITL380Old currency - Now Euro
0270 Jamaican DollarJamaicaJMD388
0280 YenJapanJPY392
0290 Kenyan ShillingKenyaKES404
0300 Mexican Peso OldMexicoMXPN/A
0305Mongolian TugrikMongoliaMNT496
0310 Moroccan DirhamMoroccoMAD504
0320 New Zealand DollarNew ZealandNZD554
0330 Norwegian KroneNorwayNOK578
0340 Portuguese EscudoPortugalPTE620Old currency - Now Euro
0350 Scottish PoundScotlandOld currency - Now Euro
0360 Spanish PesetaSpainESP724Old currency - Now Euro
0370 Swedish KronaSwedenSEK752
0380 Swiss FrancSwitzerlandCHF756
0390 New Taiwanese DollarTaiwanTWD901
0400 BahtThailandTHB764
0410 AfghaniAfghanistanAFN971
0420 Algerian DinarAlgeriaDZD012
0430 Bangladeshi TakaBangladeshBDT050
0440 Bahraini DinarBahrainBHD048
0450 Bahamian DollarBahamasBSD044
0460 Belize DollarBelizeBZD084
0470 Bolivian BolivianoBoliviaBOB068
0475Bosnia-Herzegovina Dinar - OldBosnia-HerzegovinaBADN/A
0480 Botswani PulaBotswanaBWP072
0490 Brunei DollarBruneiBND096
0500 Bulgarian LevBulgariaBGN975
0520 Burundi FrancBurundiBIF108
0530 Cape Verde EscudoCape VerdeCVE132
0540 Cayman Islands DollarCayman IslandsKYD136
0550 CFA Franc BCEAOUsed in the following countries: Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire), Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, TogoXOF952
0552CFA Franc BEAC (Franc de la CommunautÚ financiÞre africaine)Used in the following countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, GabonXAF950
0560 Chilean PesoChileCLP152
0580 Colombian PesoColombiaCOP170
0585 Comoro FrancComorosKMF174
0590 Costa Rican ColonCosta RicaCRC188
0595Croatian Dinar - OldCroatiaHRDN/A
0600 Cuban PesoCubaCUP192
0605Cuban Peso ConvertibleCubaCUC931
0610 Cypriot PoundCyprusCYP196Old currency - Now Euro
0620 Czech KorunaCzech RepublicCZK203
0630 Djibouti FrancDjiboutiDJF262
0640 Dominican PesoDominican RepublicDOP214
0650 Netherlands Antillean Guilder Netherland Antilles ANG 532 WorldBase still lists Netherlands Antilles as one country. The currency will be in the Netherlands Antillean Guilder for Curacao, Sint Maarten.
0660 Ecuador Sucre - Old EcuadorECS218Now US Dollar
0670 El Salvador ColonEl SalvadorSVC222
0680 Equatorial Guinean Ekule OldEquatorial GuineaGQEN/A
0690 Ethiopian BirEthiopaETB230
0700 Fiji DollarFijiFJD242
0710 DalasiGambiaGMD270
0720 Ghana CediGhanaGHS936
0730 Gibraltar PoundGibraltarGIP292
0740 Guinea Bisseau PesoGuinea BisseauGWP624
0750 Guinea FrancGuinea GNF324
0760 Guyana DollarGuyanaGYD328
0770 GourdeHaitiHTG332
0780 LempiraHondurasHNL340
0790 ForintHungaryHUF348
0800 Icelandic KronaIcelandISK352
0820 RupiahIndonesiaIDR360
0830 Iraqi DinarIraqIQD368
0840 Iranian RialIranIRR364
0850 Irish PoundIrelandIEP372Old currency - Now Euro
0860 Jordanian DinarJordanJOD400
0870 Kuwaiti DinarKuwaitKWD414
0880 KipLaosLAK418
0890 Lebanese PoundLebanonLBP422
0900 LotiLesothoLSL426
0910 Liberian DollarLiberiaLRD430
0920 Libyan DinarLibyaLYD434
0930 Luxembourg FrancLuxembourgLUF442Old currency - Now Euro
0940 Malagasy AriaryMadagascarMGA969
0950 Madeiran EscudoPortugalPTE620Old currency - Now Euro
0960 KwachaMalawiMWK454
0970 Malaysian RinggitMalaysiaMYR458
0980 Mali Franc - OldMaliMLFN/A
0990 Maltese LiraMaltaMTL470Old currency - Now Euro
1000 OuguiyaMauritaniaMRO478
1010 Mauritius RupeeMauritiusMUR480
1020 Mozambique MeticalMozambiqueMZN943
1030 Nepalese RupeeNepalNPR524
1040 Cordoba OroNicaraguaNIO558
1060 Rial OmaniOmanOMR512
1070 Pakistan RupeePakistanPKR586
1080 BalboaPanamaPAB590
1090 KinaPapua New GuineaPGK598
2000 GuaraniParaguayPYG600
2010 Neuvo SolPeruPEN604
2020 Philippine PesoPhillippinesPHP608
2030 Zloty - OldPolandPLZ616
2040 Qatari RiyalQatarQAR634
2050 Romanian Leu - OldRomaniaROL642
2060 Rwanda FrancRwandaRWF646
2070 DobraSao Tome & PrincipeSTD678
2080 Saudi RiyalSaudi ArabiaSAR682
2090 Seychelles RupeeSeychelles IslandsSCR690
3000 Singapore DollarSingaporeSGD702
3010 Solomon Islands DollarSolomon IslandsSBD090
3020 Somali ShillingSomaliaSOS706
3030 RandSouth AfricaZAR710
3040 WonKorea, Rep ofKRW410
3050 Soviet Rouble - OldRussian FederationSURN/A
3060 Sri Lanka RupeeSri LankaLKR144
3065Sudanese Dinar - OldSudanSDDN/A
3070 Sudanese PoundSudanSDG938
3075South Sudanese PoundSouth SudanSSP728
3080 Surinam Guilder - OldSurinameSRG740
3085 Surinam DollarSurinameSRD968
3090 LilangeniSwazilandSZL748
4000 Syrian PoundSyriaSYP760
4010 Tanzanian ShillingTanzaniaTZS834
4020 Pa'angaTongaTOP776
4030 Trinidad & Tobago DollarTrinidad & TobagoTTD780
4040 Tunisian DinarTunisiaTND788
4050 Turkish Lira-oldTurkeyTRL792
4060 UAE DirhamUnited Arab EmiratesAED784
4070 Uganda ShillingUgandaUGX800
4080 Uruguay Peso - Old UruguayUYNN/A
4090 VatuVanuatuVUV548
5000 Bolivar - OldVenezuelaVEB862
5005 Bolivar FuerteVenezuelaVEF937
5010 DongVietnamVND704
5020 Yemenese RialYemenYER886
5030 TalaSamoaWST882
5040Serbian DinarSerbia & MontenegroRSD941WorldBase still lists Serbia and Montenegro as one country. The currency will be inSerbia Dinar for Serbia records.
5050 Yugoslavian Dinar - OldSerbia and MontenegroCSD891 WorldBase still lists Serbia and Montenegro as one country. The currency could be in the old Dinar currency for these records.
5060 Zambian KwachaZambiaZMK894
5070 Zimbabwe DollarZimbabweZWL932
5080 EuroEuropean UnionEUR978
5090 Angolan KwanzaAngolaAOA973
6000 LeoneSierra LeoneSLL694
6010 Ostmark - Former GDR MarkEast GermanyOld currency - Now Euro
6020 Yemenese Dinar - OldSouth YemenYDD 720
6030 Congolese FrancCongo, Democratic RepCDF976
6040 Peso UruguayoUruguayUYU858
6050 LariGeorgiaGEL981
6060 HryvniaUkraineUAH980
6100 Bhutan NgultrumBhutanBTN064
6200 QuetzalGuatamalaGTQ320
6300 Cambodian RielCambodiaKHR116
6400 North Korean WonKorea, Dem Rep ofKPW408
6500 RufiyaaMaldivesMVR462
6600 NairaNigeriaNGN566
6800 Croatian KunaCroatiaHRK191
6900 Falkland Islands PoundFalkland IslandsFKP238
7000 French Guiana FrancFrench GuianaFRF250Old currency - Now Euro
7100 Guadaloupe FrancGuadaloupeFRF250Old currency - Now Euro
7200 PatacaMacaoMOP446
7400 Martinique FrancMartiniqueFRF250Old currency - Now Euro
7500 Mexican Peso NewMexicoMXN484
7600 Albanian LekAlbaniaALL008
7700 Slovenian TolarSloveniaSIT705Old currency - Now Euro
7800 Latvian LatsLatviaLVL428
7900 Lithuanian LitasLithuaniaLTL440
8000 Estonian KroonEstoniaEEK233Old currency - Now Euro
8100 Belarus RubleBelarusBYR974
8200 Ukranian Karbovanet - OldUkraineUAK 804
8300 Moldovan LeuMoldovaMDL498
8500 Armenian DramArmeniaAMD051
8600 Azerbaijanian Manat - OldAzerbaijanAZM031
8700 TengeKazahkstanKZT398
8800 Turkmenistan ManatTurkmenistanTMT934
8900 SomKyrgysztanKGS417
9000 Uzbekistan SumUzbekistanUZS860
9100 Russian RubleRussiaRUB643
9200 SomoniTajikistanTJS972
9300 Brazilian RealBrazilBRL986
9400 Slovak KrunaSlovakiaSKK703Old currency - Now Euro
9410 Polish New ZlotyPolandPLN985
9420 Timoran Escuda - OldEast TimorTPE626Now US Dollar
9430 KyatMyanmarMMK104
9440 Turkish Lira- New TurkeyTRY949
9450 Romanian Leu - NewRomaniaRON946
9460 Azerbaijanian Manat - NewAzerbaijanAZN944
9470 Namibia DollarNamibiaNAD516

Legal Structure Code List (field companyType)

CodeLegal Structure
0unknown type
8joint venture
12partnership of unknown type
50government body
101non profit organization
118local government body
120foreign company
10general partnership(legacy)
11limited partnership(legacy)
14limited liability(legacy)
102private limited company(legacy)
107unregistered proprietorship(legacy)
128government owned company(legacy)
130public institute(legacy)
151faeroese company(legacy)
154sole proprietorship(legacy)
160unregistered partnership(legacy)
167joint stock company(legacy)

National ID Type Code List (field nationalIdType)

National Identification NumbersCodeNotes
Belgium Enterprise Number 00010 Also known as the CBE number - the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises number is a unique number that identifies companies in the Belgian administrative services; formerly the Branch Unit Number.
Belgium Branch Unit Number00011
UK CRO Number00012A business registration number in the UK and Ireland assigned by the Companies Registration Office.
IRELAND CRO Number00013A business registration number in the UK and Ireland assigned by the Companies Registration Office.
France SIREN Number00014The Siren number is a subset of the Siret number (see France Siret Number for definition).
France SIRET Number 00017 A number assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies. The Siret number is made up of 14 digits, the first 9 digits comprise the Siren number. All legitimate trades & businesses must be registered with INSEE.
Europe Standard VAT Number 00018 Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT;
Code currently used by the following countries:
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Monaco, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine
Netherlands Trade Register Number00019Formerly Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Number
Germany Registration Number00020
Italy Chamber of Commerce Number 00021 Known as Numero REA, the code that identifies the company's chamber of commerce registration; composed of a two character province code (identifies the chamber of commerce) and a number (1 to 9 digits) that identifies the company in the chamber of commerce. It is always different from the Italian VAT number.
Spain Fiscal Code00024Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
ANDORRA FISCAL CODE00025Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
PORTUGAL FISCAL CODE00026Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
Netherlands Branch Unit Number00042
Netherlands Legal Entity and Partnership Information Number00043
ITALY FISCAL CODE 00060 Known as Codice Fiscale and is not necessarily the Italian VAT number (Partita IVA). For non-individual proprietorships, it might be equal to the VAT number but it is not automatic; for individual proprietorships instead, they are always different.
DENMARK REGISTRATION NUMBER00065No longer issued or updated by Companies House, but records still exist in database. CVR is the same as VAT.
AUSTRIA TRADE REGISTER NUMBER00070Known as Firmenbuchnummer.
Local Government Registration Number 00102 Sourced from the D&B EMC Data Center
In Russia = the OGRN Number – Major State Registration Number of the entity made in the Register about formation of a Russian company (consists of 12 digits)
Local Government Tax Registration Number 00103 Sourced from the D&B EMC Data Center
In Russia = INN Number – Identifying Tax Number of a tax-payer (consists of 10 digits). Each Russian company has its unique tax number concerning all taxes and duties.
Local Government Chamber of Commerce Number00104Sourced from the D&B EMC Data Center
Local Government Gazette Number 00105 Sourced from the D&B EMC Data Center
In Russia = OKPO Number and this is the best unique National ID in Russia; OGRN and INN are not always unique and can be shared by group members / branch entities.
HUNGARIAN REGISTRATION NUMBER00120Coverage on companies registered on the Court of Companies
POLISH VALUE ADDED TAX NUMBER (NIP)00130Known as NIP (Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej)
POLISH NATIONAL OFFICIAL REGISTER NUMBER (REGON)00140Unique number that identifies subjects on the National Official Business Register REGON
POLISH NATIONAL COURT COUNCIL NUMBER00142Registration number (KRS) to identify corporations in the National Court Registry
Norwegian Government Organization Number00270Same as the VAT number
Czech Republic ICO Number00286Identifikacni cislo organizace (ICO) Number, assigned by the Czech/Slovak Statistical Offices.
Czech Republic VAT Number00290Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT. CZ VAT Number and the CZ ICO Number are the same number, but VAT has a CZ prefix.
Hungarian VAT Number00320Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
Austria Association Registration Number00360
Monaco Trade and Industry Register Number00362
Denmark CVR Number00521Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
Switzerland Registration Number00702
Swiss Uniform Identification Number (UID) 00720 Type of Value Added Tax Number - VAT
Swiss UID or the uniform identification number is a new registration number in Switzerland. Based on this regulation every company will be assigned an uniform identification number (UID) and it will replace the VAT number
CZ Republic Court Number of Registration 00725 A code indicating the registration number assigned to a Czech Republican Business by the Czech Registry Court. In order to register a newly founded company in the Commercial Register, an application must be submitted to the relevant court administering the Commercial Register, made on a standard form and signed by all first directors of the company (or their proxy if applicable) in front of a notary. Then, Business identification number is assigned by the Registry Court.
Refer more details in
Slovakia Court Number of Registration 00730 A code indicating the registration number assigned to a Slovakian Business by the Slovakia Registry Court. The Registry Court will make changes to a Commercial Register entry, as well as add or delete an entry, after receiving the complete registration form with the supporting documents. The proposal for the registration of the company needs to be signed by all executives and their signatures have to be certified. In case the executive is represented by an authorized person, his signature has to be certified in the granted power of attorney. Then, Business identification number is assigned by the Registry Court. Refer more details in
Slovakia Tax Registration Number 00735 Assigned by the Slovakian tax authority to a business located in Slovakia. A legal entity or a natural person, which is issued a permission or authorisation to conduct business activities or starts performing gainful activities in the territory of the Slovak Republic, is obliged to register with the relevant tax administrator (local Tax Office, where taxpayer has permanent residence or registered office). Note that this code value is different from 1438 (Value Added Tax Number (SK)).
Slovakia IČO Number 00740 A Unique identification number (IČO) assigned by the administration of the Statistical office of the Slovak Republic (SOSR) with the aim of distinguishing of subjects registered in the Business Register. They are assigned to all legal persons and natural persons by state institutions within the primary registration procedure (for instance: Register courts managed by Ministry of Justice assign IČO to public business associations, Ministry of Interior assigns IČO to natural persons - entrepreneurs, to non-investment funds, non-profit institutions, political parties and civil associations, too). Refer to web site '' for more details.
Slovak VAT Number 00745 VAT is a turnover tax levied on a business concern on the sale of a product or service, the charge being proportional to the amount added to its value by the operations of the concern. Since 1st May 2004, based on law no. 222 2004 Z.z. o dani z pridanej hodnoty (about VAT), it is mandatory for the subjects that reached turnover more than 1,500,000 SKK in 12 successive months (or foreign subject with economical activity in the Slovak Republic) to register themselves as VAT payer subject at Tax office. However, when the turnover is less than 1,500,000 Slovakian Krones, the subject can decide to pay the Value Added Tax and register as VAT payer at the tax office. Refer for more information on the tax registration and Value Added Tax number in Slovakia.
Monaco Trade and Industry Register Number00362
Switzerland VAT Number00825
UK Charity Registration Number00833
UK Charity Registration Number00834
UK Charity Registration Number00835
Financial Conduct Authority Number00836
Czech Republic Identification Number for Trust Funds00837
Slovenian Tax Identification Number (Davčna številka)00867
San Marino Tax Number (COE)00868

Industry Classification Code List (field industry)

AAgriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
ETransportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
FWholesale Trade
GRetail Trade
HFinance, Insurance, and Real Estate
JPublic Sector
YUnknown industry

SIC Activity Code List (field sicCode)

Industry1987 SIC CodeDescription
A0111Wheat farm
A0112Rice farm
A0115Corn farm
A0116Soybean farm
A0119Cash grains farm
A0131Cotton farm
A0132Tobacco farm
A0133Sugarcane/sugar beet farm
A0134Irish potato farm
A0139Field crop farm
A0161Vegetable/melon farm
A0171Berry crop farm
A0172Grape vineyard
A0173Tree nut grove
A0174Citrus fruit grove
A0175Fruit tree orchard
A0179Fruit/nut farm
A0181Ornamental nursery
A0182Covered food crops farm
A0191General crop farm
A0211Beef cattle feedlot
A0212Beef cattle-except feedlot
A0213Hog farm or feedlot
A0214Sheep/goat farm
A0219General livestock farm
A0241Dairy farm
A0251Chicken farm
A0252Chicken egg farm
A0253Turkey/turkey egg farm
A0254Poultry hatchery
A0259Poultry/poultry egg farm
A0271Fur bearing animal farm
A0272Horses/other equines farm
A0273Fish/shellfish farm
A0279Animal specialties farm
A0291General animal farm
A0711Soil preparation services
A0722Crop harvesting services
A0723Crop preparation for market
A0724Cotton ginning services
A0741Veterinary services-livestock
A0742Veterinary services
A0751Livestock services
A0752Animal services
A0761Farm labor contractor
A0762Farm management services
A0781Landscape services
A0782Lawn/garden services
A0783Shrub/tree services
A0811Timber tract operation
A0831Forest product gathering
A0851Forestry services
A0912Finfish fishing
A0913Shellfish fishing
A0919Marine products catching
A0921Fish hatchery/preserve
A0971Hunter/trapper/game management
B1011Iron ore mining
B1021Copper ore mining
B1031Lead/zinc ore mining
B1041Gold ore mining
B1044Silver ore mining
B1061Ferroalloy ore mining
B1081Metal mining services
B1094Uranium/radium/vanadium mining
B1099Metal ore mining
B1221Bituminous coal/lignite surface mining
B1222Bituminous coal-underground mining
B1231Anthracite mining
B1241Coal mining services
B1311Crude petroleum/natural gas production
B1321Natural gas liquids production
B1381Oil/gas well drilling
B1382Oil/gas exploration services
B1389Oil/gas field services
B1411Dimension stone quarry
B1422Crushed/broken limestone
B1423Crushed/broken granite
B1429Crushed/broken stone
B1442Construction sand/gravel
B1446Industrial sand mining
B1455Kaolin/ball clay mining
B1459Clay/related mineral mining
B1474Potash/soda/borate mining
B1475Phosphate rock mining
B1479Chemical/fertilizer mineral mining
B1481Nonmetallic mineral services
B1499Nonmetallic mineral mining
C1521Single-family house construction
C1522Residential construction
C1531Operative builders
C1541Industrial building construction
C1542Nonresidential construction
C1611Highway/street construction
C1622Bridge/tunnel construction
C1623Water/sewer/utility construction
C1629Heavy construction
C1711Plumbing/heating/air conditioning contractor
C1721Painting/paper hanging contractor
C1731Electrical contractor
C1741Masonry/stone contractor
C1742Drywall/insulating contractor
C1743Tile/marble contractor
C1751Carpentry contractor
C1752Floor laying contractor
C1761Roofing/siding contractor
C1771Concrete contractor
C1781Water well drilling
C1791Structural steel erection
C1793Glass/glazing contractor
C1794Excavation contractor
C1795Wrecking/demolition contractor
C1796Building equipment installation
C1799Trade contractor
D2011Meat packing plant
D2013Mfg prepared meats
D2015Poultry processing
D2021Mfg creamery butter
D2022Mfg cheese
D2023Mfg dry/evaporated dairy products
D2024Mfg ice cream/frozen desert
D2026Mfg fluid milk
D2032Mfg canned specialties
D2033Mfg canned fruits/vegetables
D2034Mfg dehydrated fruits/vegetables
D2035Mfg pickles/sauces/dressing
D2037Mfg frozen fruits/vegetables
D2038Mfg frozen specialties
D2041Mfg flour/grain mill products
D2043Mfg cereal breakfast food
D2044Rice milling
D2045Mfg prepared flour mixes/dough
D2046Wet corn milling
D2047Mfg dog/cat food
D2048Mfg prepared feeds
D2051Mfg bread/related products
D2052Mfg cookies/crackers
D2053Mfg frozen bakery products
D2061Mfg raw cane sugar
D2062Cane sugar refining
D2063Mfg beet sugar
D2064Mfg candy/confectionery
D2066Mfg chocolate/cocoa products
D2067Mfg chewing gum
D2068Mfg salted/roasted nuts/seeds
D2074Cottonseed oil mill
D2075Soybean oil mill
D2076Vegetable oil mill
D2077Mfg animal/marine fat/oil
D2079Mfg edible fats/oils
D2082Mfg malt beverages
D2083Mfg malt
D2084Mfg wines/brandy/spirits
D2085Mfg distilled/blended liquor
D2086Mfg bottled/canned soft drinks
D2087Mfg flavor extracts/syrup
D2091Mfg canned/cured fish/seafood
D2092Mfg fresh/frozen packaged fish
D2095Mfg roasted coffee
D2096Mfg potato chips/snacks
D2097Mfg ice
D2098Mfg macaroni/spaghetti
D2099Mfg food preparations
D2111Mfg cigarettes
D2121Mfg cigars
D2131Mfg chewing/smoking tobacco
D2141Tobacco stemming/redrying
D2211Cotton broad woven fabric mill
D2221Manmade broad woven fabric mill
D2231Wool broad woven fabric mill
D2241Narrow fabric mill
D2251Mfg women's hosiery
D2252Mfg hosiery
D2253Knit outerwear mill
D2254Knit underwear mill
D2257Weft knit fabric mill
D2258Lace/warp knit fabric mill
D2259Knitting mill
D2261Cotton finishing plant
D2262Manmade fiber & silk finishing plant
D2269Finishing plant
D2273Mfg carpets/rugs
D2281Yarn spinning mill
D2282Throwing/winding mill
D2284Thread mill
D2295Mfg coated fabrics
D2296Mfg tire cord/fabrics
D2297Mfg non-woven fabrics
D2298Mfg cordage/twine
D2299Mfg textile goods
D2311Mfg men's/boy's suits/coats
D2321Mfg men's/boy's furnishings
D2322Mfg men's/boy's underwear
D2323Mfg men's/boy's neckwear
D2325Mfg men's/boy's trousers
D2326Mfg men's/boy's work clothing
D2329Mfg men's/boy's clothing
D2331Mfg women's/misses' blouses
D2335Mfg women's/misses' dresses
D2337Mfg women's/misses' suits/coats
D2339Mfg women's/misses' outerwear
D2341Mfg women's/youth underwear
D2342Mfg bras/girdles, etc
D2353Mfg hats/caps/millinery
D2361Mfg girl/youth dresses/blouses
D2369Mfg girl/youth outerwear
D2371Mfg fur goods
D2381Mfg fabric gloves
D2384Mfg robes/dressing gowns
D2385Mfg waterproof outerwear
D2386Mfg leather clothing
D2387Mfg apparel belts
D2389Mfg apparel/accessories
D2391Mfg curtains/draperies
D2392Mfg household furnishings
D2393Mfg textile bags
D2394Mfg canvas/related products
D2395Pleating/stitching services
D2396Mfg auto/apparel trimming
D2397Mfg schiffli embroideries
D2399Mfg fabricated textile products
D2421Sawmill/plaining mill
D2426Hardwood dimension/floor mill
D2429Special product sawmill
D2431Mfg millwork
D2434Mfg wood kitchen cabinets
D2435Mfg hardwood veneer/plywood
D2436Mfg softwood veneer/plywood
D2439Mfg structural wood members
D2441Mfg wood boxes/shook
D2448Mfg wood pallets/skids
D2449Mfg wood containers
D2451Mfg mobile homes
D2452Mfg prefabricated wood buildings
D2491Wood preserving
D2493Mfg reconstituted wood products
D2499Mfg wood products
D2511Mfg wood household furniture
D2512Mfg upholstered household furniture
D2514Mfg metal household furniture
D2515Mfg mattresses/bedsprings
D2517Mfg wood tv/radio cabinets
D2519Mfg household furniture
D2521Mfg wood office furniture
D2522Mfg office furniture-non-wood
D2531Mfg public building furniture
D2541Mfg wood partitions/fixtures
D2542Mfg partitions/fixtures-non-wood
D2591Mfg drapery hardware/blinds
D2599Mfg furniture/fixtures
D2611Pulp mill
D2621Paper mill
D2631Paperboard mill
D2652Mfg setup paperboard boxes
D2653Mfg corrugated/solid fiber boxes
D2655Mfg fiber cans/drums, etc
D2656Mfg sanitary food containers
D2657Mfg folding paperboard boxes
D2671Mfg packaging paper/film
D2672Mfg coated/laminated paper
D2673Mfg bags-plastic/coated paper
D2674Mfg bags-uncoated paper
D2675Mfg die-cut paper/paperboard
D2676Mfg sanitary paper products
D2677Mfg envelopes
D2678Mfg stationery products
D2679Mfg converted paper products
D2732Book printing
D2741Misc publishing
D2752Lithographic commercial printing
D2754Gravure commercial printing
D2759Commercial printing
D2761Mfg manifold business forms
D2771Mfg greeting cards
D2782Mfg blank books/binders
D2789Bookbinding/related work
D2791Typesetting services
D2796Platemaking services
D2812Mfg alkalies/chlorine
D2813Mfg industrial gases
D2816Mfg inorganic pigments
D2819Mfg industrial inorganic chemicals
D2821Mfg plastic materials/resins
D2822Mfg synthetic rubber
D2823Mfg cellulosic manmade fibers
D2824Mfg organic fiber-noncellulosic
D2833Mfg medicinal/botanical products
D2834Mfg pharmaceutical preparations
D2835Mfg diagnostic substances
D2836Mfg biological products
D2841Mfg soap/other detergents
D2842Mfg polish/sanitation goods
D2843Mfg surface active agents
D2844Mfg toilet preparations
D2851Mfg paints/allied products
D2861Mfg gum/wood chemicals
D2865Mfg cyclic crudes/intermediates/dyes
D2869Mfg industrial organic chemicals
D2873Mfg nitrogenous fertilizers
D2874Mfg phosphatic fertilizers
D2875Mfg fertilizers-mix only
D2879Mfg agricultural chemicals
D2891Mfg adhesives/sealants
D2892Mfg explosives
D2893Mfg printing ink
D2895Mfg carbon black
D2899Mfg chemical preparations
D2911Petroleum refiner
D2951Mfg asphalt mixtures/blocks
D2952Mfg asphalt felts/coatings
D2992Mfg lubricating oils/greases
D2999Mfg petroleum/coal products
D3011Mfg tires/inner tubes
D3021Mfg rubber/plastic footwear
D3052Mfg rubber/plastic hose/belting
D3053Mfg gaskets/packing/sealing devices
D3061Mfg mechanical rubber goods
D3069Mfg fabricated rubber products
D3081Mfg unsupported plastic film/sheet
D3082Mfg plastic profile shapes
D3083Mfg laminated plastic plate/sheet
D3084Mfg plastic pipe
D3085Mfg plastic bottles
D3086Mfg plastic foam products
D3087Custom compounding-purchased resins
D3088Mfg plastic plumbing fixtures
D3089Mfg plastic products
D3111Leather tanning/finishing
D3131Mfg footwear cut stock
D3142Mfg house slippers
D3143Mfg men's footwear
D3144Mfg women's footwear
D3149Mfg footwear-except rubber
D3151Mfg leather gloves/mittens
D3161Mfg luggage
D3171Mfg women's handbags/purses
D3172Mfg personal leather goods
D3199Mfg leather goods
D3211Mfg flat glass
D3221Mfg glass containers
D3229Mfg pressed/blown glass
D3231Mfg products-purchased glass
D3241Mfg hydraulic cement
D3251Mfg brick/structural tile
D3253Mfg ceramic wall/floor tile
D3255Mfg clay refractories
D3259Mfg structural clay products
D3261Mfg vitreous plumbing fixtures
D3262Mfg vitreous china tableware
D3263Mfg semivetreous china tableware
D3264Mfg porcelain electrical supplies
D3269Mfg pottery products
D3271Mfg concrete block/brick
D3272Mfg concrete products
D3273Mfg ready-mixed concrete
D3274Mfg lime products
D3275Mfg gypsum products
D3281Mfg cut stone/products
D3291Mfg abrasive products
D3292Mfg asbestos products
D3295Mfg minerals-ground/treated
D3296Mfg mineral wool
D3297Mfg nonclay refractories
D3299Mfg nonmetallic mineral products
D3312Blast furnace-steel works
D3313Mfg electrometallurgical products-ex steel
D3315Mfg steel wire/related products
D3316Mfg cold-rolled steel shapes
D3317Mfg steel pipe/tubes
D3321Gray/ductile iron foundry
D3322Malleable iron foundry
D3324Steel investment foundry
D3325Steel foundry
D3331Primary copper producer
D3334Primary aluminum producer
D3339Primary nonferrous metal producer
D3341Secondary nonferrous metal producer
D3351Copper rolling/drawing
D3353Mfg aluminum sheet/foil
D3354Mfg aluminum extruded products
D3355Aluminum rolling/drawing
D3356Nonferrous rolling/drawing
D3357Nonferrous wiredrawing/insulating
D3363Mfg aluminum die-castings
D3364Mfg nonferrous die-castings
D3365Aluminum foundry
D3366Copper foundry
D3369Nonferrous metal foundry
D3398Metal heat treating
D3399Mfg primary metal products
D3411Mfg metal cans
D3412Mfg metal barrels/pails
D3421Mfg cutlery
D3423Mfg hand/edge tools
D3425Mfg saw blades/handsaws
D3429Mfg hardware
D3431Mfg metal sanitary ware
D3432Mfg plumbing fixture fittings
D3433Mfg heating equipment-non-electric
D3441Structural metal fabrication
D3442Mfg metal doors/sash/trim
D3443Mfg fabricated plate work
D3444Mfg sheet metalwork
D3446Mfg architectural metalwork
D3448Mfg prefabricated metal buildings
D3449Mfg misc structural metalwork
D3451Mfg screw machine products
D3452Mfg bolts/screws/rivets
D3462Mfg iron/steel forgings
D3463Mfg nonferrous forgings
D3465Mfg automotive stampings
D3466Mfg crowns/closures
D3469Mfg metal stampings
D3471Plating/polishing service
D3479Coating/engraving service
D3482Mfg small arms ammunition
D3483Mfg ammunition-except small arms
D3484Mfg small arms
D3489Mfg ordnance/accessories
D3491Mfg industrial valves
D3492Mfg fluid power valves/fittings
D3493Mfg steel springs-non-wire
D3494Mfg valves/pipe fittings
D3495Mfg wire springs
D3496Mfg misc fabricated wire products
D3497Mfg metal foil/leaf
D3498Mfg fabricated pipe/fittings
D3499Mfg misc fabricated metal products
D3511Mfg turbines/generator sets
D3519Mfg internal combustion engines
D3523Mfg farm machinery/equipment
D3524Mfg lawn/garden equipment
D3531Mfg construction machinery
D3532Mfg mining machinery
D3533Mfg oil/gas field machinery
D3534Mfg elevators/escalators
D3535Mfg conveyors/equipment
D3536Mfg hoists/cranes/monorails
D3537Mfg industrial trucks/tractors
D3541Mfg machine tools-cutting
D3542Mfg machine tools-forming
D3543Mfg industrial patterns
D3544Mfg dies/tools/jigs/fixtures
D3545Mfg machine tool accessories
D3546Mfg power-driven handtools
D3547Mfg rolling mill machinery
D3548Mfg welding apparatus
D3549Mfg metalworking machinery
D3552Mfg textile machinery
D3553Mfg woodworking machinery
D3554Mfg paper industrial machinery
D3555Mfg printing trades machinery
D3556Mfg food products machinery
D3559Mfg misc industry machinery
D3561Mfg pumps/pumping equipment
D3562Mfg ball/roller bearings
D3563Mfg air/gas compressors
D3564Mfg blowers/fans
D3565Mfg packaging machinery
D3566Mfg speed changers/drives
D3567Mfg industrial furnaces/ovens
D3568Mfg power transmission equipment
D3569Mfg general industrial machinery
D3571Mfg electronic computers
D3572Mfg computer storage devices
D3575Mfg computer terminals
D3577Mfg computer peripheral equipment
D3578Mfg calculating equipment
D3579Mfg office machines
D3581Mfg vending machines
D3582Mfg commercial laundry equipment
D3585Mfg refrigeration/heating equipment
D3586Mfg measuring/dispensing pumps
D3589Mfg service industry machinery
D3592Mfg carburetors/pistons/rings
D3593Mfg fluid power cylinders
D3594Mfg fluid power pumps/motors
D3596Mfg scales/balances-non-laboratory
D3599Mfg industrial machinery
D3612Mfg transformers
D3613Mfg switchgear/switchboards
D3621Mfg motors/generators
D3624Mfg carbon/graphite products
D3625Mfg relays/industrial controls
D3629Mfg electrical industrial apparatus
D3631Mfg household cooking equipment
D3632Mfg home refrigerators/freezers
D3633Mfg home laundry equipment
D3634Mfg electric housewares/fans
D3635Mfg home vacuum cleaners
D3639Mfg household appliances
D3641Mfg electric lamps
D3643Mfg conductive wiring devices
D3644Mfg nonconductive wiring devices
D3645Mfg residential lighting fixtures
D3646Mfg commercial lighting fixtures
D3647Mfg vehicle lighting equipment
D3648Mfg lighting equipment
D3651Mfg home audio/video equipment
D3652Mfg prerecorded records/tapes
D3661Mfg telephone/telegraph apparatus
D3663Mfg radio/tv communication equipment
D3669Mfg communications equipment
D3671Mfg electron tubes
D3672Mfg printed circuit boards
D3674Mfg semiconductors/related devices
D3675Mfg electronic capacitors
D3676Mfg electronic resistors
D3677Mfg electronic coils/transformers
D3678Mfg electronic connectors
D3679Mfg electronic components
D3691Mfg storage batteries
D3692Mfg primary batteries
D3694Mfg engine electrical equipment
D3695Mfg magnetic/optical recording media
D3699Mfg electrical equipment/supplies
D3711Mfg motor vehicle/car bodies
D3713Mfg truck/bus bodies
D3714Mfg motor vehicle parts/accessories
D3715Mfg truck trailers
D3716Mfg motor homes
D3721Mfg aircraft
D3724Mfg aircraft engines/parts
D3728Mfg aircraft parts/equipment
D3732Boat building/repairing
D3743Mfg railroad equipment
D3751Mfg motorcycles/bicycles
D3761Mfg guided missiles/space vehicles
D3764Mfg space propulsion units/parts
D3769Mfg space vehicle equipment
D3792Mfg travel trailers/campers
D3795Mfg tanks/tank components
D3799Mfg transportation equipment
D3812Mfg search/navigation equipment
D3821Mfg lab apparatus/furniture
D3822Mfg environmental controls
D3823Mfg process control instruments
D3824Mfg fluid meter/counting devices
D3825Mfg electrical measuring instruments
D3826Mfg analytical instruments
D3827Mfg optical instruments/lenses
D3829Mfg measuring/controlling devices
D3841Mfg surgical/medical instruments
D3842Mfg surgical appliances/supplies
D3843Mfg dental equipment/supplies
D3844Mfg x-ray apparatus/tubes
D3845Mfg electro-medical equipment
D3851Mfg ophthalmic goods
D3861Mfg photographic equipment/supplies
D3873Mfg watches/clocks/parts
D3911Mfg precious metal jewelry
D3914Mfg silverware/plated ware
D3915Mfg jewelers' materials
D3931Mfg musical instruments
D3942Mfg dolls/stuffed toys
D3944Mfg games/toys
D3949Mfg sporting/athletic goods
D3951Mfg pens/mechanical pencils
D3952Mfg lead pencils/art goods
D3953Mfg marking devices
D3955Mfg carbon paper/ink ribbons
D3961Mfg costume jewelry
D3965Mfg fasteners/buttons/pins
D3991Mfg brooms/brushes
D3993Mfg signs/advertising specialties
D3995Mfg burial caskets
D3996Mfg hard floor coverings
D3999Mfg misc products
E4011Railroad line-haul operator
E4013Rail switching/terminal services
E4111Local/suburban transportation
E4119Local passenger transportation
E4121Taxicab service
E4131Intercity/rural bus line
E4141Local bus charter service
E4142Bus charter service-non local
E4151School bus service
E4173Bus terminal/service facility
E4212Local trucking operator
E4213Trucking operator-non local
E4214Local trucking-with storage
E4215Courier service
E4221Farm product warehousing
E4222Refrigeration warehouse/storage
E4225General warehouse/storage
E4226Special warehouse/storage
E4231Truck terminal facility
E4311U.S. Postal Service
E4412Foreign sea freight transportation
E4424Domestic sea freight transportation
E4432Great Lakes freight transportation
E4449Water freight transportation
E4481Deep sea passenger transportation
E4482Ferry operation
E4489Water passenger transportation
E4491Marine cargo handler
E4492Towing/tugboat services
E4493Marina operation
E4499Water transport services
E4512Scheduled air transportation
E4513Air courier services
E4522Nonscheduled air transportation
E4581Airport/airport services
E4612Crude petroleum pipeline
E4613Refined petroleum pipeline
E4619Pipeline operation
E4724Travel agency
E4725Tour operator
E4729Passenger transportation arrangement
E4731Freight transportation arrangement
E4741Railroad car rental
E4783Packing/crating service
E4785Motor freight fixed facility
E4789Transportation services
E4812Radiotelephone communication
E4813Telephone communications
E4822Telegraph communications
E4832Radio broadcast station
E4833Television station
E4841Cable/pay television service
E4899Communication services
E4911Electric services
E4922Natural gas transmission
E4923Gas transmission/distribution
E4924Natural gas distribution
E4925Gas production/distribution
E4931Electric and other services combined
E4932Gas and other services combined
E4939Combination utilities
E4941Water supply service
E4952Sewerage system
E4953Refuse system
E4959Sanitary services
E4961Steam/air-conditioning supply
E4971Irrigation system
F5012Whol autos/motor vehicles
F5013Whol auto parts/supplies
F5014Whol tires/tubes
F5015Whol used auto parts
F5021Whol furniture
F5023Whol home furnishings
F5031Whol lumber/plywood/millwork
F5032Whol brick/stone material
F5033Whol roofing/siding/insulation
F5039Whol construction materials
F5043Whol photo equipment/supplies
F5044Whol office equipment
F5045Whol computers/peripherals
F5046Whol commercial equipment
F5047Whol medical/hospital equipment
F5048Whol ophthalmic goods
F5049Whol professional equipment
F5051Metals service center
F5052Whol coal/minerals/ores
F5063Whol electrical equipment
F5064Whol appliances/tv/radio
F5065Whol electronic parts/equipment
F5072Whol hardware
F5074Whol plumbing equipment/supplies
F5075Whol heat/air conditioning equipment/supplies
F5078Whol refrigeration equipment/supplies
F5082Whol construction/mining equipment
F5083Whol farm/garden machinery
F5084Whol industrial equipment
F5085Whol industrial supplies
F5087Whol service establishment equipment
F5088Whol transportation equipment
F5091Whol sporting/recreational goods
F5092Whol toys/hobby goods
F5093Whol scrap/waste material
F5094Whol jewelry/precious stones
F5099Whol durable goods
F5111Whol printing/writing paper
F5112Whol stationery/office supplies
F5113Whol industrial/service paper
F5122Whol drugs/sundries
F5131Whol piece goods/notions
F5136Whol men's/boy's clothing
F5137Whol women's/child's clothing
F5139Whol footwear
F5141Whol general groceries
F5142Whol packaged frozen goods
F5143Whol dairy products
F5144Whol poultry/products
F5145Whol confectionery
F5146Whol fish/seafood
F5147Whol meats/products
F5148Whol fruits/vegetables
F5149Whol groceries
F5153Whol grain/field beans
F5154Whol livestock
F5159Whol farm product raw materials
F5162Whol plastic materials/shapes
F5169Whol chemicals/products
F5171Petroleum bulk station
F5172Whol petroleum products
F5181Whol beer/ale
F5182Whol wine/distilled beverages
F5191Whol farm supplies
F5192Whol books/newspapers
F5193Whol flowers/florist supplies
F5194Whol tobacco products
F5198Whol paints/varnishes
F5199Whol non durable goods
G5211Ret lumber/building materials
G5231Ret paint/glass/wallpaper
G5251Ret hardware
G5261Ret nursery/garden supplies
G5271Ret mobile homes
G5311Department store
G5331Variety store
G5399Ret misc general merchandise
G5411Ret groceries
G5421Ret meat/fish
G5431Ret fruits/vegetables
G5441Ret candy/confectionery
G5451Ret dairy products
G5461Retail bakery
G5499Ret misc foods
G5511Ret new/used automobiles
G5521Ret used automobiles
G5531Ret auto/home supplies
G5541Gasoline service station
G5551Ret boats
G5561Ret recreational vehicles
G5571Ret motorcycles
G5599Ret misc vehicles
G5611Ret men's/boy's clothing
G5621Ret women's clothing
G5632Ret women's accessories/specialties
G5641Ret child's/infant's wear
G5651Ret family clothing
G5661Ret shoes
G5699Ret misc apparel/accessories
G5712Ret furniture
G5713Ret floor covering
G5714Ret draperies/upholstery
G5719Ret misc home furnishings
G5722Ret household appliances
G5731Ret radio/tv/electronics
G5734Ret computers/software
G5735Ret records/cd's/tapes
G5736Ret musical instruments
G5812Eating place
G5813Drinking place
G5912Ret drugs/sundries
G5921Ret alcoholic beverages
G5932Ret used merchandise
G5941Ret sporting goods/bicycles
G5942Ret books
G5943Ret stationery
G5944Ret jewelry
G5945Ret hobbies/toys/games
G5946Ret cameras/photography supplies
G5947Ret gifts/novelties
G5948Ret luggage/leather goods
G5949Ret sewing supplies/fabrics
G5961Ret mail-order house
G5962Vending machine operator
G5963Direct retail sales
G5983Ret fuel oil dealer
G5984Ret liquefied petroleum gas
G5989Ret fuel dealer
G5992Ret florist
G5993Ret tobacco products
G5994Ret news dealer/newsstand
G5995Ret optical goods
G5999Ret misc merchandise
H6011Federal reserve bank
H6019Central reserve depository
H6021National commercial bank
H6022State commercial bank
H6029Commercial bank
H6035Federal savings institution
H6036Savings institution
H6061Federal credit union
H6062State credit union
H6081Foreign bank/branch/agent
H6082Foreign trade/international bank
H6091Non-deposit trust facility
H6099Depository banking services
H6111Federal credit agency
H6141Personal credit institution
H6153Short-term business credit institution
H6159Misc business credit institutions
H6162Mortgage banker/correspondent
H6163Loan broker
H6211Security broker/dealer
H6221Commodity contract broker
H6231Security/commodity exchange
H6282Investment advisory service
H6289Security/commodity service
H6311Life insurance carrier
H6321Accident/health insurance carrier
H6324Hospital/medical service plan
H6331Fire/casualty insurance carrier
H6351Surety insurance carrier
H6361Title insurance carrier
H6371Pension/health/welfare fund
H6399Insurance carrier
H6411Insurance agent/broker
H6512Nonresidential building operator
H6513Apartment building operator
H6514Dwelling operator
H6515Mobile home site operator
H6517Railroad property lessor
H6519Real property lessor
H6531Real estate agent/manager
H6541Title abstract office
H6553Cemetery subdivider/developer
H6712Bank holding company
H6719Holding company
H6722Open-end management investment
H6726Closed-end investment office
H6732Nonprofit trust management
H6733Trust management
H6792Oil royalty trader
H6794Patent owner/lessor
H6798Real estate investment trust
I7011Hotel/motel operation
I7021Rooming/boarding house
I7032Sport/recreation camp
I7033Trailer park/campsites
I7041Membership-basis lodging
I7211Power laundry
I7212Garment press/cleaner's agent
I7213Linen supply services
I7215Coin-operated laundry
I7216Dry-cleaning plant
I7217Carpet/upholstery cleaning
I7218Industrial launderer
I7219Laundry/garment services
I7221Photo portrait studio
I7231Beauty shop
I7241Barber shop
I7251Shoe repair/shoeshine parlor
I7261Funeral service/crematory
I7291Tax return preparation services
I7299Misc personal services
I7311Advertising agency
I7312Outdoor advertising services
I7313Advertising representative
I7319Advertising services
I7322Adjustment/collection services
I7323Credit reporting services
I7331Direct mail advertising services
I7334Photocopying services
I7335Commercial photography
I7336Commercial art/graphic design
I7338Secretarial/court reporting
I7342Disinfecting/pest services
I7349Building maintenance services
I7352Medical equipment rental
I7353Heavy construction equipment rental
I7359Equipment rental/leasing
I7361Employment agency
I7363Help supply services
I7371Custom computer programming
I7372Prepackaged software services
I7373Computer systems design
I7374Data processing/preparation
I7375Information retrieval services
I7376Computer facility management
I7377Computer rental/leasing
I7378Computer maintenance/repair
I7379Computer related services
I7381Detective/armored car services
I7382Security systems services
I7383News syndicate
I7384Photo finishing laboratory
I7389Business services
I7513Truck rental/leasing
I7514Passenger car rental
I7515Passenger car leasing
I7519Utility trailer rental
I7521Automobile parking
I7532Auto body repair/painting
I7533Auto exhaust repair
I7534Tire re-treading/repair
I7536Auto glass replacement
I7537Auto transmission repair
I7538General auto repair
I7539Automotive repair
I7549Automotive services
I7622Radio/television repair
I7623Refrigeration service/repair
I7629Electrical repair
I7631Watch/clock/jewelry repair
I7641Re-upholstery/furniture repair
I7692Welding repair
I7694Armature rewinding
I7699Repair services
I7812Motion picture/video production
I7819Motion picture services
I7822Motion picture/tape distribution
I7829Motion picture distribution services
I7832Motion picture theater
I7833Drive-in theater
I7841Video tape rental
I7911Dance studio/school/hall
I7922Theatrical producers/services
I7929Entertainer/entertainment group
I7933Bowling center
I7941Sports club/manager/promoter
I7948Racing or track operation
I7991Physical fitness facility
I7992Public golf course
I7993Amusement device operator
I7996Amusement park
I7997Membership sport/recreation club
I7999Amusement/recreation services
I8011Medical doctor's office
I8021Dentist's office
I8031Osteopathic physician's office
I8041Chiropractor's office
I8042Optometrist's office
I8043Podiatrist's office
I8049Health practitioner's office
I8051Skilled nursing care facility
I8052Intermediate care facility
I8059Nursing/personal care
I8062General hospital
I8063Psychiatric hospital
I8069Specialty hospital
I8071Medical laboratory
I8072Dental laboratory
I8082Home health care services
I8092Kidney dialysis centers
I8093Specialty outpatient clinic
I8099Health/allied services
I8111Legal services office
I8211Elementary/secondary school
I8222Junior college
I8243Data processing school
I8244Business/secretarial school
I8249Vocational school
I8299School/educational services
I8322Individual/family services
I8331Job training/related services
I8351Child day care services
I8361Residential care services
I8399Social services
I8412Museum/art gallery
I8422Botanical/zoological garden
I8611Business association
I8621Professional organization
I8631Labor organization
I8641Civic/social association
I8651Political organization
I8661Religious organization
I8699Membership organization
I8711Engineering services
I8712Architectural services
I8713Surveying services
I8731Commercial physical research
I8732Commercial nonphysical research
I8733Noncommercial research organization
I8734Testing laboratory
I8741Management services
I8742Management consulting services
I8743Public relations services
I8744Facilities support services
I8748Business consulting services
I8811Private household
J9111Executive office
J9121Legislative body
J9131Executive/legislative combined
J9199General government
J9221Police protection
J9222Legal counsel/prosecution
J9223Correctional institution
J9224Fire protection
J9229Public order/safety
J9311Public finance/taxation/monetary policy
J9411Administrative educational programs
J9431Administrative public health programs
J9441Administrative social/manpower programs
J9451Administrative veterans' affairs
J9511Air/water/waste management
J9512Land/mineral/wildlife conservation
J9531Housing program
J9532Urban/community development
J9611Administrative general economic programs
J9621Regulation/administrative transportation
J9631Regulation/administrative utilities
J9641Regulation agricultural marketing
J9651Regulation misc commercial sector
J9661Space research/technology
J9711National security
J9721International affairs
Y9999Non classified establishment

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