Finding the right name for your company requires time and effort especially when you need to make sure that the name you chose is not used by another business. That’s where HitHorizons can help. A simple company search will show you if the company name you are considering is available for registration in a specific country or within the whole EU.
Picking the right company name is key for brand building
The company name should help your business stand out from competitors. Ideally, that name should be unique, non-offensive, easy to remember, easy to pronounce, and easy to spell. The name can (but does not necessarily need to) be related to products or services the company offers. Ultimately, the name you choose should help to create the image that is aligned with the company’s value proposition and build the brand narrative that connects with relevant audiences (customers, stakeholders, media, suppliers, partners, etc.).
It’s also important to keep in mind the potential legal implications of choosing a company name. If the name you are considering is already being used by another company, it might be difficult to register or trademark that name. Moreover, another company might sue your company over complete or partial use of the name. If your company plans to operate in several countries, it is important to check if the name you chose is available in all relevant markets.
Once you have selected a business name that is available, it’s important to find a corresponding domain name. Domain names can become a key element in building your company’s online presence and help your business become and stay top of mind with your customers or clients.