Database of Companies in Germany: Top Industries and Biggest Players

According to our latest records (as of February 2022), there are more than 5.25M companies registered in Germany. Almost half of these companies operate in the service sector. More than half of all companies are registered in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, and Baden-Württemberg, while Berlin leads the chart among cities.

Browse through all businesses registered in Germany and filter them by name, address, identification number, contact details, industry, SIC Code, sales, or even the number of employees with HitHorizons Screener and HitHorizons API.

Mostly proprietorships and especially in services

Almost half of companies have a legal form of a proprietorship (49.46%), followed by corporations (32.2%), and NGOs (9.35%). The rest are entities with an unknown legal form, such as government institutions or joint ventures (10%).

Germany: Distribution of companies by legal form

Legal form Share  
Proprietorship 49.46%
Corporation 32.2%
Non Profit Organization 9.35%
Partnership Of Unknown Type 5%
Unknown Type 1.78%
Cooperative 1.69%
Local Government Body 0.37%
Foreign Company 0.15%
Joint Venture 0.01%

The most represented industries among corporations are services (38.1%), then finance, insurance, and real estate (22.1%), and construction (8.8%). Among proprietorships, most companies operate in services (48.9%), then retail (21.5%), and construction (10.6%).

Germany: Industries with the highest number of entities registered as corporations and proprietorships

Services 38.1% 48.9%
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 22.1% 5.0%
Construction 8.8% 10.6%
Wholesale Trade 8.5% 2.7%
Manufacturing8.2% 3.0%
Retail Trade 7.4% 21.5%
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 5.3% 3.2%
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 1.3% 4.8%
Mining 0.1% 0.0%
Public Sector 0.1% 0.1%
Unknown industry 0.1% 0.2%

The most represented SIC Codes among corporations are management services (174,393), followed by real estate agents (164,819), and holding companies (149,200). Most proprietorships operate as eating places (145,677), health practitioner's offices (126,127), and business services (105,831).

SIC Codes with the highest number of companies registered as corporations and proprietorships

Management services 174,393
Real estate agent/manager 164,819
Holding company 149,200
Engineering services 53,056
Computer related services 45,711
Business services 45,170
Business consulting services 38,367
Custom computer programming 28,948
Eating place 27,280
Electric services 26,645
Eating place 145,677
Health practitioner's office 126,127
Business services 105,831
Medical doctor's office 103,623
Beauty shop 98,745
Insurance agent/broker 63,737
Services-misc 63,294
Engineering services 55,068
Legal services office 54,867
Carpentry contractor 48,536

75.62% of all companies registered in Germany operate in services (51.21%), retail (13.75%), and finance, insurance, and real estate (10.66%). Although only 4.32% of companies operate in manufacturing, the industry accounts for a significant portion of sales generated by all companies (27.51% of total sales). Finance, insurance, and real estate is second, with a share of 22.29%, followed by services with a share of 16.52%.

Germany: Distribution of companies by industry

Industry Share  
Services 51.21%
Retail Trade 13.75%
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 10.66%
Construction 8.47%
Manufacturing 4.32%
Wholesale Trade 4.26%
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 3.5%
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 3.09%
Public Sector 0.54%
Unknown industry 0.15%
Mining 0.05%

In terms of specific economic activities (SIC Codes), most companies operate as real estate agents (222,673; 4% of all companies). Civic, social, or fraternal associations account for 3.65%, and management services for 3.56%. A total of 31.43% of all companies registered in Germany operate in the top 10 SIC Codes.

Germany: Distribution of companies by SIC Codes

SIC code Number of companies Share  
Real estate agent/manager 222,673 4.24%
Civic/social association 191,813 3.65%
Management services 187,085 3.56%
Eating place 181,052 3.45%
Business services 172,433 3.28%
Holding company 159,502 3.04%
Membership organization 152,456 2.9%
Health practitioners office 136,400 2.6%
Medical doctors office 132,530 2.52%
Engineering services 115,070 2.19%
Beauty shop 105,776 2.01%
Services-misc 81,680 1.56%
Insurance agent/broker 78,412 1.49%
Legal services office 72,116 1.37%
Business consulting services 70,925 1.35%
Computer related services 68,864 1.31%
Sports club/manager/promoter 65,508 1.25%
Carpentry contractor 64,145 1.22%
Elementary/secondary school 57,930 1.1%
Plumbing/heating/air conditioning contractor 57,252 1.09%

More than 1 million companies are based in the state of Nord-Westfalen. Berlin tops the city ranking.

Almost 20% of companies are registered in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state of Bavaria is home to 966,000 companies (18.41%), while 675,000 companies are registered in Baden-Württemberg (12.86%). More than 68% of all German companies are distributed across just five states.

Germany: Distribution of companies by states

State / Province Number of companies Share  
Nordrhein-Westfalen 1,033,748 19.68%
Bayern 966,738 18.41%
Baden-Württemberg 675,197 12.86%
Niedersachsen 472,859 9%
Hessen 431,568 8.22%
Berlin 260,535 4.96%
Rheinland-Pfalz 256,799 4.89%
Sachsen 224,384 4.27%
Schleswig-Holstein 192,251 3.66%
Hamburg 160,227 3.05%
Brandenburg 153,175 2.92%
Thüringen 120,587 2.3%
Sachsen-Anhalt 116,839 2.22%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 89,750 1.71%
Saarland 54,734 1.04%
Bremen 41,788 0.8%
Unknown 491 0.01%

Former Soviet Bloc states Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, and Brandenburg rank lowest in total number of registered companies. These states also rank lower in total sales generated (5.6%) as well as employment (only 9.3% of all employees in Germany).

Germany: States’ sales and number of employees (from highest to lowest)

State / Province Sales (mil. EUR) Share Number of employees Share
Nordrhein-Westfalen € 2,902,241 24.8% € 12,627,520 22.8%
Bayern € 2,093,307 17.9% € 9,867,189 17.8%
Baden-Württemberg € 1,969,949 16.9% € 7,802,808 14.1%
Niedersachsen € 1,000,729 8.6% € 5,285,465 9.6%
Hessen € 1,144,869 9.8% € 5,245,109 9.5%
Berlin € 429,118 3.7% € 2,691,818 4.9%
Rheinland-Pfalz € 396,409 3.4% € 2,147,035 3.9%
Sachsen € 220,580 1.9% € 1,718,179 3.1%
Schleswig-Holstein € 237,822 2% € 1,487,520 2.7%
Hamburg € 669,183 5.7% € 1,986,185 3.6%
Brandenburg € 136,366 1.2% € 1,015,477 1.8%
Thüringen € 105,689 0.9% € 878,278 1.6%
Sachsen-Anhalt € 118,194 1% € 878,375 1.6%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern € 72,835 0.6% € 650,193 1.2%
Saarland € 87,231 0.7% € 523,769 0.9%
Bremen € 99,682 0.9% € 484,879 0.9%
Unknown € 560 0.01% € 5,446 0.01%
Total € 11,684,764 € 55,295,245

In terms of the number of companies in individual cities, Berlin is a leader with 4.94% of all entities. Hamburg is second (3.05%), while Munich is third (2.54%). More than 17% of all German companies are registered in the top ten cities.

Germany: TOP 10 cities with the highest number of companies registered

City Number of companies Share
Berlin 259,377 4.94%
Hamburg 160,216 3.05%
München 133,561 2.54%
Köln 71,148 1.35%
Frankfurt am Main 64,477 1.23%
Düsseldorf 57,627 1.1%
Stuttgart 44,229 0.84%
Bremen 36,008 0.69%
Hannover 35,478 0.68%
Nürnberg 33,933 0.65%
Other 4,355,608 82.94%

Out of the top fifteen largest companies in terms of sales, four are automakers and three are manufacturing companies. According to our latest records (as of February 2022), at the top of the list is Volkswagen with EUR 222B a year. Annual sales generated by all of the 5.25M+ German companies are EUR 11.6T. The top 15 companies account for 11.28%.

Germany: TOP 15 companies in terms of sales

Companies Sales Share
VOLKSWAGEN AG € 222,884,000,000 1.91%
Daimler AG € 154,309,345,000 1.32%
Schwarz Beteiligungs-KG € 114,302,000,000 0.98%
Deutsche Telekom AG € 100,999,000,000 0.86%
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG € 98,990,000,000 0.85%
Robert Bosch Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung € 77,721,000,000 0.67%
Uniper Global Commodities SE € 77,077,700,000 0.66%
Deutsche Post AG € 66,806,000,000 0.57%
E.ON SE € 60,944,000,000 0.52%
INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG € 59,981,000,000 0.51%
BASF SE € 59,149,000,000 0.51%
Siemens AG € 57,139,000,000 0.49%
Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG € 56,867,000,000 0.49%
AUDI AG € 55,680,000,000 0.48%
REWE-ZENTRALFINANZ eG € 55,374,300,000 0.47%
Top 15 largest companies € 1,318,223,345,000 11.28%
Total € 11,684,763,594,753 100%

The list of Germany’s top 15 employers includes 7 manufacturing companies, the German Railways (Deutsche Bahn AG), a telecommunication company, and chains of grocery stores. Germany’s largest employer is Volkswagen with 665,000 employees.

Germany: TOP 15 employers

Companies Number of employees
VOLKSWAGEN AG 665,445 1.2%
INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG 320,432 0.58%
Deutsche Post AG 319,998 0.58%
Fresenius Management SE 305,706 0.55%
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA 305,000 0.55%
Siemens AG 299,000 0.54%
Daimler AG 293,143 0.53%
Deutsche Bahn AG 249,251 0.45%
Continental AG 235,480 0.43%
Deutsche Telekom AG 223,539 0.4%
Robert Bosch Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung 218,377 0.39%
Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG 193,683 0.35%
Bundesland Niedersachsen 186,000 0.34%
ZF Friedrichshafen AG 155,502 0.28%
thyssenkrupp AG 149,889 0.27%
Top 15 largest companies 4,120,445 7.45%
All employees 55,295,246 100%

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Browse through all Germany-based companies and filter them by name, address, identification number, contact details, industry, SIC Code, sales, or even the number of employees with HitHorizons Screener and HitHorizons API.

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