According to our database (as of May 2023), a total of more than 5.3M businesses operate in Germany. 3.15% of them (more than 167 thousand) operate in Agriculture. These companies generate 8.22% of total sales generated by all businesses registered in Germany and employ 1.07% of all employees in Germany. The TOP 10 Agricultural companies in Germany generated EUR 41.6B in sales in 2021 - the largest company, BayWa Aktiengesellschaft, was responsible for more than 48% of the total, with EUR 19.8B in sales.
All data used below is available in individual companies’ annual reports. Not all companies on the TOP 10 list disclosed their profit.
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft had the highest sales in 2021
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft was first with reported sales of EUR 19.8B in 2021 (a year-on-year increase of EUR 2.7B). The company is active worldwide. BayWa Aktiengesellschaft focuses on developing solutions for energy, agriculture, and construction. They are involved in trading of agricultural products, renewable energy projects, and distribution of agricultural inputs.
AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG was second with EUR 7.3B in sales (an increase of EUR 887.6M compared to 2020). This company operates in Germany and internationally. AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG provides plant cultivation services, solutions for livestock farming, construction project support, and other services.
DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH was third with sales of EUR 5.5B in 2021 (year-on-year decrease of EUR 126.2M). It is one of the largest dairy companies in Germany. DMK specializes in production and processing of milk and dairy products. They work closely with dairy farmers and operate various well-known brands in the dairy industry.
Germany: Sales of TOP 10 agricultural companies between in 2021
Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG was fourth with reported sales of EUR 2.5B (an increase of EUR 279.7M compared to 2020). It is an agricultural cooperative based in Northern Germany. Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG provides services to its members (such as procurement and distribution of agricultural inputs, marketing of agricultural products, etc.).
Hochwald Milch eG was fifth with EUR 1.6B in sales in 2021 (year-on-year decrease of EUR 60.8M). Hochwald is a cooperative that processes and markets milk and dairy products. The company operates internationally.
KWS SAAT SE & Co KGaA was sixth with sales of EUR 1.3B (year-on-year increase of EUR 27.6M). KWS manages the propagation and distribution of sugar beet and corn, finances basic research and breeding of a diverse range of crops, and annually breeds and introduces new products to local markets.
Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH was seventh with reported sales of EUR 1.3B in 2021 (an increase of EUR 34M compared to the year before). Arla Foods is a major dairy cooperative with more than 8,000 farmers from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
Molkerei Ammerland eG was eighth with EUR 1.1B in sales (year-on-year increase of EUR 106.8M). Molkerei Ammerland is a dairy cooperative based in Northern Germany. They specialize in the production and marketing of dairy products.
Ekosem-Agrar AG was ninth with reported sales of EUR 657.3M in 2021 (an increase of EUR 41.5M compared to the year before). The company focuses on dairy farming in Russia. Ekosem-Agrar AG covers milk production, processing, and sale of dairy products.
Müller Fleisch GmbH was tenth with EUR 574.1M in sales (a decrease of EUR 21.5M compared to 2020). Müller Fleisch is a German meat-processing company that specializes in production and distribution of meat products. They operate several meat processing facilities.
Germany: Sales of TOP 10 agricultural companies between 2018 and 2021
Company | Type Of Financial Records | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft | Consolidated | € 16,625,700,000 | € 17,059,000,000 | € 17,155,400,000 | € 19,839,100,000 |
AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG | Consolidated | € 6,577,570,000 | € 6,454,742,000 | € 6,390,091,000 | € 7,277,662,000 |
DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH | Consolidated | € 5,571,000,000 | € 5,775,000,000 | € 5,592,500,000 | € 5,466,300,000 |
Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG | Consolidated | € 2,089,028,000 | € 2,083,373,000 | € 2,192,632,000 | € 2,472,368,000 |
Hochwald Milch eG | Consolidated | € 1,544,700,000 | € 1,534,000,000 | € 1,651,400,000 | € 1,590,600,000 |
KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA | Consolidated | € 1,068,000,000 | € 1,113,300,000 | € 1,282,600,000 | € 1,310,200,000 |
Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH | Unconsolidated | € 1,447,000,000 | € 1,343,000,000 | € 1,267,000,000 | € 1,301,000,000 |
Molkerei Ammerland eG | Consolidated | € 916,813,157 | € 998,586,024 | € 1,012,871,114 | € 1,119,701,152 |
Ekosem-Agrar AG | Consolidated | € 377,567,000 | € 586,126,000 | € 615,862,000 | € 657,339,000 |
Müller Fleisch GmbH | Consolidated | N/A | € 579,235,124 | € 595,601,251 | € 574,110,018 |
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft had the highest profit both before and after tax in 2021
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft reported the highest profit before tax in 2021 - EUR 160.6M. KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA was second with EUR 142.2M followed by DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH (EUR 29M), Ekosem-Agrar AG (EUR 26.1M), AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG (EUR 18.3M), Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG (EUR 9.7M), and Molkerei Ammerland eG (EUR 6.5M). Müller Fleisch GmbH reported a loss (EUR -216,660). Hochwald Milch eG and Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH did not disclose their profit.
Germany: Profit before tax of TOP 10 agricultural companies between 2018 and 2021
Company | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft | € 92,600,000 | € 79,200,000 | € 111,200,000 | € 160,600,000 |
KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA | € 137,990,000 | € 144,459,000 | € 129,524,000 | € 142,214,000 |
DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH | € 44,600,000 | € 55,000,000 | € 24,100,000 | € 29,000,000 |
Ekosem-Agrar AG | € 24,537,000 | € 36,807,000 | € 27,707,000 | € 26,112,000 |
AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG | € 21,351,000 | € -23,339,000 | € 14,811,000 | € 18,304,000 |
Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG | € 7,426,000 | € 10,247,000 | € 4,390,000 | € 9,705,000 |
Molkerei Ammerland eG | € 6,187,440 | € 6,130,629 | € 5,425,133 | € 6,487,556 |
Müller Fleisch GmbH | N/A | € 3,937,560 | € 2,237,656 | € -216,660 |
Hochwald Milch eG | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft also reported the highest profit after tax - EUR 128.8M. KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA was second with EUR 110.6M. DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH was third with EUR 27M, followed by Ekosem-Agrar AG (EUR 25.4M), AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG (EUR 15.7M), Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG (EUR 10.1M), and Molkerei Ammerland eG (EUR 6.4M). Müller Fleisch GmbH reported a loss (EUR -755,913). Hochwald Milch eG and Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH did not disclose their profit.
Germany: Profit after tax of TOP 10 agricultural companies between 2018 and 2021
Company | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
BayWa Aktiengesellschaft | € 54,900,000 | € 65,100,000 | € 61,300,000 | € 128,800,000 |
KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA | € 99,700,000 | € 104,000,000 | € 95,200,000 | € 110,600,000 |
DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH | € 34,000,000 | € 25,900,000 | € 24,900,000 | € 27,000,000 |
Ekosem-Agrar AG | € 19,717,000 | € 36,010,000 | € 27,044,000 | € 25,398,000 |
AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG | € 18,414,000 | € -26,413,000 | € 12,140,000 | € 15,677,000 |
Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG | € 4,734,000 | € 10,879,000 | € 5,672,000 | € 10,054,000 |
Molkerei Ammerland eG | € 6,032,238 | € 6,037,574 | € 5,314,294 | € 6,408,846 |
Müller Fleisch GmbH | N/A | € 2,534,216 | € 1,350,949 | € -755,913 |
Hochwald Milch eG | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |